Saturday, 9 October 2010

New Elle Challenge and a potted flower from me lol

Good Morning Crafters,
There is a new challenge over at Ellephantastic Challenges today,
and the super prize you can win this week for entering is
a super cute stamp from Crafty Sentiments,
I wish I could enter as I love the stamp you can win.

Here is my Anything Goes,
its a beaded flower that I have planted now,
please let me know what you think of it,
as thinking of making and selling them,

Thanks for stopping by,
hoping to get more crafting done today,
have been busy knitting tons of stuff,

x X x


Jill said...

Oh Angie what a lot of work, its amazing!! You clever thing you! Jill x

Helen Laurence said...

Wow Angie that's fab!!
What a fantastic idea. How much are you selling them for?
Hugs x

Merry said...

I think this is just wonderful I love all your beading and the little pot is perfect.

Max said...

What a dinky wee flower. I can see there's a lot of work gone into it. Not something I would personally buy but there are bound to be those who would love it.

Max's Craft Creations
Bah! Humbug! Challenges DT

Twiggy said...

That is so pretty hun, you should definitely sell them.
twiggy x

Kim. said...

This is really pretty and I think would make a lovely gift item at this time of year. you should definitely sell them, I think they will be popular for people looking for xmas gifts.
Kim xXx

Stacie (craft-princess) said...

Such a lovely potted flower!

SSKcraftshop said...

This is cute...i nevertried beading i am sure i wont be even close to what you are...pretty.

Thanks for lovely comment on my blog.
Keep in touch,