Friday, 8 October 2010

Helpppppp Or is it me going mad?

Came onto blogger this morning and the list of my blogs I like to visit has all changed,
I think all the blogs are still there but the list at the side which used to scroll so I could see who has posted is now a static, and doesnt show all that have posted?

Is this a mess up or a new thing,
I sure hope it dont stay that way as I cant see what challenges have been posted or what new cards people have posted etc, so ANNOYING

back l8r maybe if it changes


sandra said...

I saw that too!
What a mess!
I just hope it won't stay that way!

Merry said...

I seem to have big photos showing of the blogs I follows latest posts. Wierd.

Jill said...

Nope you are not going mad, its happened to me to. I found your post by scrolling down and down and down and down and yes there are some big pictures from peoples blogs - don't like it one little bit! Jill x

daperfectmix said...

yea, me too.. strange. i don't like it either.

Sammye Jo said...

blogger has been messin around with me too this week!!

Max said...

It was doing my head in yesterday but all seems ok today thank goodness.

Max's Craft Creations
Bah! Humbug! Challenges DT