Monday, 4 October 2010

Feeling A Bit down again .............

I am sorry for being MIA just lately,
I am not well again, went to the doctors this morning,
and on top of the 2 tablets I am taking 3 times a day,
I now have another two to take, this time for the lump etc on my leg and the really bad cramps that I am getting in my legs,
I go to see the specialist again next Wednesday the 13th.
It just really gets me down, so if I go quiet its so I dont dump my downs on you lot,
The two photo's I am posting today are of a pair of wristlets that I knitted the other night,
they are a lovely blue,
I have been really busy with my needles (knitting) just lately and want to get some nice stock up so I can start up my Etsy shop again real soon,
Typical that as soon as I try to get organised with something like this, I end up ill again,
Perhaps one day, it will work for me, I dont want the world just my own little online shop to sell my handicrafts, not much to ask is it?
Back soon,
Thanks for stopping by
x X x


Unknown said...

Hi ya sweet x sorry to hear you are not feeling good x how about our day out? Lets make a date x and make a day of it x Leigh x

Helen Laurence said...

Hi hun, sorry your not feeling quite yourself. Nice blue wristlets though! x x

sassyb07 said...

hi Angie!
sorry to hear you're not feeling well....hope things improve soon
I've just had a peek at all your new cards, etc. They are all brilliant!
I've not left comments at each one though as I'm trying to visit everyones blog today....have not been on for some time and am catching up.
Thanks for having a peek at my blog, I appreciated your comments.
Have you received your yummy's yet?
take care luv
hugs, Valerie

Jill said...

Oh Angie been thinking about you, hope the specialist can sort it all out. At least you are still knitting anyway!!! Jill x

daperfectmix said...

I hope you feel better soon!